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Civilian Pay Matrix Level 10 Basic Salary Structure

Civilian Pay Matrix Level 10 Table Basic Salary Structure for Central Govt Employees

Civilian Pay Matrix Level 10 Basic Salary Structure: The salary structure for Pay Matrix Level 10 is designed for beneficiaries who are Central Government employees. This pay level offers a minimum salary of Rs. 56100 and a maximum salary of Rs. 177500, with a total of 40 stages. The minimum increment in this pay matrix is Rs. 1700, while the maximum increment is Rs. 5200. For further details, the Pay Matrix Table PDF can be accessed through the provided download link.

Civilian Pay Matrix Table Overview

TopicPay Matrix Table
CategoryCivilian Pay Matrix Table
BeneficiariesCentral Govt Employees
Pay Level10
Minimum SalaryRs.56100
Maximum SalaryRs.177500
Minimum IncrementRs.1700
Maximum incrementRs.5200
Pay Matrix Table PDFDownload Link
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Have you ever wondered what the minimum and maximum basic salary are for employees in Pay Level 10? Understanding the salary range in the lowest pay level of an organization can provide valuable insights into entry-level compensation structures.

Minimum Basic Salary in Pay Level 10

The Minimum Basic Salary in Pay Matrix Level 10 for Civilian Employees stands at Rs.56100, ensuring a foundational starting point for individuals beginning their careers in various governmental or civilian roles, providing them with a base upon which to build their financial stability and growth.

Maximum Basic Salary in Pay Level 10

The maximum basic salary available in the Pay Matrix Level 10 for civilian employees is set at Rs. 177500. This figure forms the baseline for the salary structure within this level, providing a starting point from which individuals can progress and advance in their careers.

Civilian Pay Matrix Level 10 Basic Salary Structure

Civilian Pay Matrix Level 10 Basic Salary Structure Chart is a comprehensive guide that outlines the salary details for Central Government Employees. This chart provides a detailed breakdown of the basic salary structure at Level 10, offering transparency and clarity for employees. It serves as a valuable resource for understanding the pay scale, allowances, and other benefits that are associated with this specific level in the Civilian Pay Matrix Level 10 Basic Salary Structure.

S.No.Basic SalaryLink
156100View Salary Structure
257800View Salary Structure
359500View Salary Structure
461300View Salary Structure
563100View Salary Structure
665000View Salary Structure
767000View Salary Structure
869000View Salary Structure
971100View Salary Structure
1073200View Salary Structure
1175400View Salary Structure
1277700View Salary Structure
1380000View Salary Structure
1482400View Salary Structure
1584900View Salary Structure
1687400View Salary Structure
1790000View Salary Structure
1892700View Salary Structure
1995500View Salary Structure
2098400View Salary Structure
21101400View Salary Structure
22104400View Salary Structure
23107500View Salary Structure
24110700View Salary Structure
25114000View Salary Structure
26117400View Salary Structure
27120900View Salary Structure
28124500View Salary Structure
29128200View Salary Structure
30132000View Salary Structure
31136000View Salary Structure
32140100View Salary Structure
33144300View Salary Structure
34148600View Salary Structure
35153100View Salary Structure
36157700View Salary Structure
37162400View Salary Structure
38167300View Salary Structure
39172300View Salary Structure
40177500View Salary Structure