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AICPIN Feb 2024 | Consumer Price Index (IW) 2016

AICPIN Feb 2024 | CPI (IW) BY 2016=100 | Press Release

AICPIN Feb 2024 | CPI (IW) BY 2016=100 | Press Release PDF: The eagerly awaited statistical data of All India Consumer Price Index Numbers (AICPIN) for the month of February 2024 has not yet been made public by the diligent team at the Labour Bureau. According to the meticulously planned ‘Advance Calendar 2024’ released by the Labour Bureau, the official publication date for the AICPIN data for February 2024 is set for Thursday, the 28th of March 2024.

AIPCIN – Crucial for Govt Employees: Benefits & Importance

The All India Consumer Price Index (AICPIN) is a crucial statistical measure used to determine the price index, which, in turn, plays a significant role in calculating the Dearness Allowance (DA) and Industrial Dearness Allowance (IDA) for Central Government and Public Sector employees as well as Pensioners. The monthly index of AICPIN serves as the cornerstone in the formula recommended by the 7th Pay Commission for calculating DA and DR. As such, staying informed and up-to-date with this information is paramount for government employees and pensioners in India to ensure accurate assessment and allocation of financial benefits.

AICPIN for February 2024 Press Release

Once the Labour Bureau officially updates the AICPIN (All India Consumer Price Index) data on its website, we will promptly reflect this updated data on our platform, highlighting its impact on the calculation of Dearness Allowance (DA) for the concerned individuals.

Latest AICPIN Table 2024 – Download Now!

Agricultural & Rural Laborer CPI Numbers – February 2024

The Consumer Price Index numbers for Agricultural and Rural Laborers in February 2024, as per the All India CPI for Agricultural Laborers (CPI-AL) and Rural Laborers (CPI-RL) with a base year of 1987=100, remained stable at 1258 and 1269, respectively.

There was a varied trend observed in the constituent indices of different states. Eight states recorded a decline in the CPI-AL, while seven states witnessed a decrease in the CPI-RL. Additionally, two states maintained constant index values.

The inflation rates for February 2024, based on the CPI-AL and CPI-RL, were reported at 7.43% and 7.36%, respectively, showing a decrease from 7.52% and 7.37% in January 2024.

Latest CPI-AL Table 2024 – View Now